This page last changed on Nov 30, 2004 by jcarreira.

The application, session and request objects are available from within ww tags in jsp wherever ognl can be evaluated. Use the #session syntax to get the object and access values by their keys using ['key'].

<ww:property value="#application['foo']"/>

<ww:property value="#session['baz']"/>

Conversely, if you would like to make webwork objects availible to say the jsp/jstl request scope. The property tag can be used like this.

<ww:set name="jobz" value="jobs" scope="request" />

A full example below shows a webwork variable "jobs" being exposed as "jobz" and being used with jstl and the display tag.

WW:Exposing webwork objects to JSTL, with a JSTL and DisplayTag Example
Document generated by Confluence on Dec 14, 2004 16:36